Welcome to an open door to fullness of life beyond fear, self-doubt, or false gods.
A 4 x video course - God in Everyday: Loving Your Neighbour as Yourself: Loving God with All you Are: Following the Way, the Truth and The Life in Christ - with support of written materials in Thrive Apprentice.
Donation towards costs: £20.
A Course to open your heart to God’s Word, His Spirit and the enormity of His healing Love through Christ.
Are you being tested by feeling unloved and abandoned?
Do memories and effects of childhood trauma threaten your current life?
Have you lost sense of God, faith, how to pray or courage to persevere in things you once did easily?
Despite being baptised as a child, are you unsure that God loves you, or what you believe deep in your heart?
If you have any or all of these – I was in this place. Although baptised as a baby, after 25 years teaching in all levels of education I had no conscious awareness of God or how to relate to Him in prayer. But when I reached exhaustion and desperation, God called my name, and encouraged me back into the church. I was quickly taught and led by the Holy Spirit, to find a prayer relationship with God in which He asked for honesty. No more pretending I was OK – at least with God.
And this was the beginning of my renewal – owning my misery and hidden childhood trauma, but trusting in God to lead me and provide. And the provision was a path of deeper engagement with His ways, Word and Love, in Service, with increasing renewal of my mind. And my life expanded in many dimensions, including playfulness, painting and loving people with His love, not need-love. Would you like this too so you become day by day, more fully who you are meant to be, trusting in God the Father, through Christ and the Holy Spirit, alive in you?
This course/workshop takes you on a journey, to re-connect, not just with God’s promises to be your/our God, but with His Presence in you, through His Spirit, and your commitment to Him and His Kingdom in wholeness. Through the four Zoom meetings new thinking and God’s Spirit open doors in your heart. For example in Zoom 1, ‘God in Everyday’, you may find,* ‘through the prayers and the poem, I now see God at work in my day, and it makes me happy (N.M.)’ And other participants have found their faith re-inforced, lives strengthened in grace, and more understanding of their need for humility and prayer, and the Word of God. God longs to answer our heartfelt prayers, and enable us to live for Him.
I would urge you to take this opportunity to find more of God’s ways and love for you, and to follow the Course, at your own pace.
Alone or with Prayer partners? You may find it helpful to invite others to share your screen and to do the course together. You know how you work best. If you are a ‘giver’ it may be necessary for you to do it alone in order that you can hear what your Inner Being is communicating through the Holy Spirit.
Costs: Regardless of how many of you engage in this work together, the cost for the course is £20. This is to provide for the costs of the online facilities. Thank you.
*Disclosure The depicted experience is an example of what one person experienced. The changes depend on personal integrity and willingness to ask and pray. All participants have found new awareness of faith, hope and love according to their readiness and their commitment to the course framework and prayer
There are 4 Sessions with separate videos, and it is recommended that you allow 7 days between each session in order to engage with the prayers, and allow the Holy Spirit time to enlighten your heart and mind.
Access the written material for each session before watching the video so you will find what ‘materials’ you need to prepare for the video
Welcome to an open door to fullness of life beyond fear, self-doubt, or false gods.
A 4 x video course - God in Everyday: Loving Your Neighbour as Yourself: Loving God with All you Are: Following the Way, the Truth and The Life in Christ - with support of written materials in Thrive Apprentice.
Donation towards costs: £20.
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