30 years ago God called me back to the Church.He has enabled me to face all the pain of my life and has asked me to enable others to learn what he has taught me over the last 30 years; and the love He has for us all. Above all I have come to recognise, and know, His caring love, particularly for the broken hearted, the lost, and those abandoned or abused by those who had caring responsibilities for them. In love and grace I share what I have been given, and to God be the glory.
And yet, just as Peter asked the Lord about the taxes they needed to pay to authorities, so too do I need to acknowledge the needs that arise from reaching out in love!
In these Covid times, the boundaries of giving and paying have stretched beyond the pension!!
I am now inviting you to make a donation, of any size, to this work of love so I (and you) can continue to bless people like these:
Testamonies re Workshops. First thank you very much for the putting together the zoom meetings.
The topics are very helpful to me, it feels like they are “food for my soul”. As Cristians we all need help in getting on the right path and this is what the meetings do.(Irina Tabacaru)
“Christ overcome the world” also resonates in my heart and is something that works in making this world’s problems less significant. I am far away from the ‘Holy Path’ like you named it, oscillating between the low and upper paths, but joining your talks is a way of me being ‘willing to be willing to be willing’. (Nicoletta Muntean)
Comments on Posts of Site Thank you Marina
A good and helpful post.
I will come back to it again as many helpful things in it.
Thanks be to God. (Sue Walker’s Comment on ‘I will never leave you or forsake you’ Post)
‘At a time when I didn’t know where God was He turned up in British Home Stores!! Praise the Lord and Heulwen (Marina) ‘ (Irene Kerr on the Home page …’Trusting in Life Eternal despite the Difficulties of Life’.)
‘Beautiful article, thank you!’ Corina on ‘Love Your Neighbour as yourself- Revisited’
Responses to Nuggets Thanks so much for these Nuggets Heulwen. This was a brilliant idea. Nourishing and beautiful. I love journeying with you… (Kate Gibson-Oswald)
They are like a song for the heart….(Maria Kitsou)
These are beautiful…like food for the soul. (Karen Cooper)
I ask you to consider if you can offer a donation for the continuity of this grace….that more will be able to grow in understanding and love through God’s Word and Spirit,
*through the Zoom Workshops, and Following the Way ;
*the insights into Spiritual life through the Posts on the Website;
*the daily ‘food’ through the Nuggets;
*and with your donation the Video called, ‘He heals the Broken-Hearted can move from conception to Birth …….’
PLEASE CLICK ON THE ‘MOST NEEDY BUTTON’ to help them, or on the Donation button to support the on-line work (also needed.)

Freely given are the Love, Wisdom and Grace to persevere, that God has given me; but can you help me maintain the services I need to use to reach out in Love?