Included in the posts:
- How and why turn to God? – Intellect – seeking and knocking, or the need that arises out of despair?
2. Gradually overcoming pride, self-will, pain and loss, and growing in faith.
3. Everyday ‘walking in faith’ letting go of self-importance and ego, yet standing in faith to pray and work.
To God’s glory we are all drawn to the love and compassion of Christ – and all fall short but to walk towards His Holy Place of sanctuary helps. I think the biggest help for the girls and young women is the sense they are not alone and they have a community of people with a shared experience with older women helping them all to be boundaried and safe.
If you simply want to ask about doubts, questions, confusion you have in your heart and mind, contact me for a Zoom of phone call. You are not stupid or a fool fact the opposite.... to ask questions and want to talk to someone who didn't believe in God in any active way, but in my neediness, discovered the Truth.