He Heals the Broken Hearted: Life in Faith Trusts- Eternally Rejoicing

'Come to Me all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest'.

Dear Reader: Do you spend your time, subconsciously at least, doubting what you are doing? Do you fail to move forward with a path that opens up, and generally doubt that you have service, life or wisdom to offer to others that is more than simply doing what circumstances or others ask of you?

First let me say – that this simple responsiveness to immediate needs can be God-given Love and acts of service in kindness.  But just as you need to encourage the child to become in control of their own bladder and bowels as they grow, thus changing your role towards them, so we need to encourage all to grow in Self control of their emotions and desires, so we too can grow in grace and fulfil the fullness of our calling in Life.

 We are asked to LOVE GOD first and with all we are. He is Love, and the Giver of Life, Creator of all things, and in seeking to love God, and finding His ways and commandments, we come to know ourselves more. We seek His ways, and according to His Word, as we seek to live His commandments, Christ, and the Father come to ‘live with’ us through the Holy. Spirit and Word.  

But our Life in God changes us – purifies us and strengthens us in ways that challenge old sub-conscious patterns of behaviour and old beliefs that stem from childhood traumas or even genetic patterns.  God made and loves us!

In His eyes I am not an illegitimate, oppressed, abused and silenced child, living in fear of authority!  No in His eyes I am in Christ  (a child of God) – ‘crucified’ and forgiving when I was a child – and given great grace by Him in order to follow Him (in education) and live and learn for His glory!  I have a choice to make whether I live now for the human fear which I have come to face over the last 10 years, or choose for resurrection in Divine grace and love in forgiveness, which is embedded within me too.

We need to look at what we are doing and what gives us ‘life’ and those things which drain us, and are in fact someone else’s responsibility.  We need to stand in the Grace He gives to grow to fullness in Him, and ask, seek and knock.  And in growing we need to ask for more Love and means of communication.  

As women we need both humility to grow in Love and ‘extend our boundaries' through Christ and the Holy Spirit, and courage to stand against the lies that tell us we cannot encourage men to face their own childish behaviour and attitudes.  And we need to be humble to ask men to explain themselves so we learn from each other…and can continue to grow in love for God, ourselves, and each other.  We MUST put aside ‘defensiveness’ and simply ask – to understand their aggression etc (not assuming we know) – thus helping them face and understand it too….. but stand and TRUST to hear how the Holy Spirit will guide any response.

SO lets be aware!! I want to invite you, dear Reader, to recognize when you have found yourself again in the position of doormat, or emotional dumping ground for people who deny their own needs, yet demand that they be met through their, often aggressive, behaviour.  We have a long journey – but in God’s patience and Love – lets repent of all ‘false gods’ and seek to Live our Truth in Faith, Hope and Love.

TRUST in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and let your LIGHT SHINE BEFORE MEN.

 And don’t be afraid to find time to ‘play’and know that God loves you too!!

If your heart does not convict you – fight against the condemnation from your head and Live your TRUTH in Christ, in God through the Holy Spirit.

If you want to know more : paste this link to take you to a short Video to lead you deeper into this mystery of Love.  https://overcoming.live/courses/are-you-weary-and-heavy-laden/ 

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