
Hearth, Home and Courage: A Recipe for Health, Wholeness and Eternal Life

Dear friends, I chose for God 32 years ago, even though I had been baptised as a child and had lived for His purposes. I realised I needed that surrender at a deeper level. 

Are you tired of the inner battle?

And lack of Self control?

Would you like the Security of Inner Strength that guides you, encourages you to see, hear, wait, and act in harmony with your own integrity, with others, and with God's greater purposes?

Even if you are a committed Christian there may be 'trust' problems because of old wounds..... This poem was gifted to me to include in a Calendar 'Making All Things New', on the same page as the Health Centre where there had been a space for 'spiritual healing and growth'.

Recipe for Health, Wholeness and Eternal Life

Take a balance of work and play,                                   With a good spoonful of open-ness to learn and change;     Mix with humility and willingness to be in self-control;  (Pick out all blaming,or shaming others and self-harming.)

Add a good heap of honesty with ourselves and others, And include our strengths and truth about weaknesses;     Bind together with humour and welcome to life challenges, And thankfulness for all the gifts of each day.

Bake in the fire of loving and forgiving others                   As we would like to be loved and forgiven.                     Trust that help for Good will always be at hand;

And serve up the good we have received,                   Living the Beauty of our healthy heartbeat.

If you like -copy and paste this into your own computer Or if you would like to work through this with others - growing in grace and truth -

How about giving up 90 minutes to an exploration of your Inner Being and Life?

There are 3 dates available for this FREE 90 minute Zoom meeting in 2024:

  • Monday September 16th 5-6.30pmBST    
  • Tuesday September 17th 6-7.30pm BST
  • Thursday September 19th  6.30-8pm BST

Book a session now!

Choose which date you would prefer click above..

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